Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ghettoism # 24

Using an empty liquor bottle to prop the window in the stairwell.

So it's after dark, and your homies hit you up cuz they know you have a good stash, and they're ready to get toasted to kick off a weekend of partying. You already know the Po-Po case your block every friday night so you're gonna have to find someplace to smoke where you won't get caught. Where else but the stairwell? Only problem is your abuelita lives upstairs and will cut yo' ass if she smells that shyt, and unfortunately the windows in your ghetto-ass apartment building won't stay up. What do you do? Fortunately your man Javier just got back from the corner liquor store with his pre-game stash so you down a celebratory shot and shove that mutherphucker in there! 

Disclaimer: This story is completely fictitious, and written for entertainment purposes. Javier is not a real character. 

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